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Picking Up Controversial Research Paper Topics On Protecting Nature

If you should write an argumentative research paper on protecting nature, make sure to pick a controversial topic. It’s the major requirement that should be scrupulously followed. After all, it’ll be impossible to craft a strong argumentative piece on the issue that everybody agrees upon. The following tips will help you pick the best topic for your paper and an extensive list of interesting topic examples will definitely inspire you or give some ideas if you are going to purchase research paper online.

How to Come Up with a Controversial Research Paper Topic

  • Listen to what other people are talking about.
  • The problem of environmental protection is among the hottest issues nowadays. Whether you hear about some species on the verge of extinction or about soil, air, or water being contaminated, use this information to develop your topic. If people keep talking about the issue, it’s definitely debatable.

  • Refer to specialized online and print publications.
  • Lots of nature-related ideas can be borrowed from specialized publications on the environment. Look through several journals to find your topic idea.

  • Give preference to a researchable topic.
  • Make sure that you aren’t the only one who takes this particular side. You should back up your viewpoint with relevant facts, examples, and direct quotations from credible sources, so check if other scholars have agreed with this position before.

  • Check if there are opposing viewpoints on the topic.
  • Controversy is a secret of a strong argumentative paper. Make sure that both sides of the argument are equally strong and take your side.

  • Pick a topic that you care about.
  • It’ll be easier to prove even the most controversial opinion if you truly care about it. The problems of protecting nature are very diverse. Consider all options and choose something that will touch your heart.

Research Paper Topics about the Nature Protection

  • Picking a new habitat for the animals in danger: is it a good idea to relocate polar bears from the Arctic to Antarctica?
  • Refusal from nuclear power in favor of the alternative energy sources: why not to decentralize the existing sources of power?
  • Deforestation: does the environmental danger of chopping down trees outweigh economic advantages?
  • Why is hunting beneficial for the environment?
  • Is the role of eco-tourism in protecting wild nature exaggerated?
  • Should we refuse from oil-drilling once and for all?
  • Are the dangers of fracking underestimated? Should we refuse from the practice?
  • Is using landfills to deal with trash a good idea?
  • Why is eating more vegetables good for nature?
  • Is recycling really beneficial for the environment?