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Crafting A Top-Grade Research Paper On The Great Depression

Thesis papers are required to be according to a strict format with comprehensive and sufficient knowledge in order to inform the reader completely about the topic at hand. The great depression is quite a common subject offered by institutions and professors for research paper writers. In order for you to really ace this one, you need to keep a few pointers in mind. Don’t stress out over the pressure of scoring an A as you’re in luck. Read on to find the complete outline of what your paper should consist of.


You need to start off the paper with a brief introduction on the Great Depression. In the case of a detailed research paper or a thesis, you can include literature review here as well. Moreover, it always helps to cite authentic sources in order to make the reader understand the facts.

Main Body Content

The main body of your paper should consist of the following topics and in the order mentioned:

  • The economic impact created by the Great Depression
  • Stock Market failure
  • Disadvantages faced by the small scale farmers
  • Failure of industries and businesses
  • Farmers
  • Unemployment
  • Human suffering
  • Enhancement in economy regulation by the government
  • Growth in the macroeconomic strategies
  • Discrimination (racism and homelessness)
  • Homerville
  • Establishment of Dust Bowls
  • Sickness and Starvation
  • Stock Market Crash
  • Ways in which products were bought on margins by people


Make sure to add a separate header for the causes and root problems of the Great Depression. You can make use of domestic and global factors. If you’re looking to create an impact, then a thorough cause issue network for your research paper will definitely have a long lasting effect.


Make sure to offer a summarized version of all the effects created by the Great Depression. The length of this summary depends on your limitations and requirements of the research paper. However, a more practical paper will correlate the effects to the modern day workings. You can make a cause and effect network in terms of visual aid to help the reader understand more effectively.


There should be a precise and clear conclusion to your paper covering all that you’ve explained and the methods used for this purpose. Don’t forget to cite the works you took reference from. Add a bibliography page and make sure to format the paper.
