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13 Fresh Psychology Research Paper Topics For College Students

Psychology is a fascinating and insightful subject that provides students with a lot of opportunity to learn not just about the human psyche but themselves as well. The scope of psychology is huge and there are tons of topics within the subject that can attract the casual reader. One of the main reasons why psychology is so popular is owing to its easy accessibility; the basic theories and principles of psychology can be understood by regular readers. All they need to do is invest sufficient time and energy. This is the reason why it is easy for students of psychology to come up with research paper topics that manage to grab the attention of their audience. However, before you begin writing the paper on psychology, you need to develop a deeper understanding of the subject and ensure that your knowledge of the various topics is not lacking. Moreover, once you begin writing your paper, you should not deviate from the main topic and follow through with your argument. Check below to find a list of important psychology research paper topics that can be tacked by college students.

List of topics available for psychology students

  • Can obesity in children be traced back to the role of negligent parents? Give reasons for your answer.
  • How is the mental health of a kid affected on a regular basis by the influence of a narcissistic and obsessive mother?
  • What kind of situations can lead an individual to adopt suicidal behaviour?
  • What sort of adverse effects can abortion have on the mental health of a woman?
  • Explore the prevalence of abuse and dating violence amongst the modern teenagers.
  • How does social anxiety disorder impact the daily routine of the affected person? What methods may be adopted in order to decrease the effects?
  • Explain how mental development occurs in children who are deemed mentally challenged. How can their plight be understood better?
  • What is the role played by the work environment when it comes to determining the motivation as well as the self-esteem of workers in society?
  • Is it true that birth order is capable of affecting the personality as well as the achievements of an individual?
  • How is it possible to understand the impact of postpartum depression on both mother and child?
  • Explain how the treatment of attractive people varies from unattractive ones.
  • What are some of the pros and cons of hypnosis?
  • Explore the causes of the rising rates of divorce.